Yellow Zucchini 1-pound Organic | ||
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Product Description:Sold by the Pound. *This product is sourced from an Organic Certified Farm. Origin/Usage: Zucchini are among the squashes that get harvested before their rinds harden unlike, say, pumpkins and butternut squash etc. Zucchini is one of the most versatile vegetable and is very low calories. It tastes delicious when harvested while its tender. It can used in Fries, Pastas (as a Pasta substitute or on the side), Curries, Sandwiches, Grills, Breads, Pickles. Nutritional Information: Zucchini has decent amount of potassium (295 milligrams per cup, or 8% of your recommended daily value). Zucchini is also high in the antioxidant Vitamin C, 20 milligrams, or about 33% of your daily value.